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NSCC Cadet Advancements:


Academics- Correspondence Courses


1) Cadets must score 70% or higher to pass each assignment of the

correspondence course. An aggregate score of 70% or higher is required to pass

the course.

2) Cadets should attempt to complete the Basic Military Requirements Course

(NAVEDTRA 14325) prior to attendance at Recruit Training.

3) Cadets assigned to NSCC Squadrons may complete the Airman

Correspondence Course (NAVEDTRA 14014A) in lieu of the Seaman

Correspondence Course (NAVEDTRA 14067) for advancement to Airman (E3).

4) Petty Officer Examinations. An advancement examination is required for PO3,

PO2 and PO1, but not for advancement to CPO. The Petty Officer exams are

derived from the current Petty Officer Correspondence Courses and are available

from the NSCC/NLCC Online Testing System (NOTS).

a) Scores. Passing scores for the Petty Officer Exams are:

a) PO3 – 60%

b) PO2 – 60%

c) PO1 – 63%




1) NSCC cadets must complete Recruit Training for advancement to Seaman

Apprentice (SA). Recruit Training is generally 14 days in length, but cannot be less

than 9 days.

2) NSCC cadets must complete an Advanced Training (AT) for each advancement,

from advancement to Seaman or Airman (SN/AN) through advancement to Chief

Petty Officer (CPO). Advanced Training evolutions are normally 5 to 14 days in

length and will be listed on the publicly-available Magellan summer and winter

training portals. Locally-arranged trainings of 5 days or more may also be used to

satisfy the training requirement for advancement, if approved by NHQ via the chain

of command and recorded in the cadet’s Magellan profile.

3) NSCC cadets who successfully complete an advanced training will be given credit for

one Advanced Training, regardless of the number of days trained.

4) NSCC cadets may “bank” up to 3 advanced trainings per calendar year that can be

used towards subsequent advancements.

5) Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA) must be completed for advancement to

PO2; only cadets holding the rate of Seaman/Airman or Petty Officer Third Class

(PO3) may attend POLA. No other course, including the Junior Petty Officer

Development (JPD) may be substituted for POLA.

6)  Service as a Staff Cadet at NSCC Recruit Training or NLCC Basic Orientation, in a

leadership position, must be completed after completion of POLA and prior to

advancement to Chief Petty Officer (CPO).


Physical Fitness 


In support of the NSCC program goals of healthy lifestyles, all NSCC

Cadets must take and pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) at least once in every six month



NSCC Cadet Advancement Requirements

A. Seaman Apprentice – Temporary (SA-T). NSCC Cadets recruited early in the

school year may not have the opportunity to attend NSCC Recruit Training until after

the minimum three months’ time in rate. In this case, unit commanding officers may

effect a temporary advancement to E2T. This temporary advancement starts the sixmonth

clock toward time-in-rate requirement for promotion to E3, and provides

additional motivation to complete the BMR. Cadets may be advanced to Seaman

Apprentice - Temporary (E2T) in Magellan when the following requirements are met

and have been recorded in Magellan:

1) Complete the Basic Military Requirements Course (BMR), NAVEDTRA 14325.

2) Serve a minimum 3 months in the NSCC.

3) Former NLCC Cadets who transfer to the NSCC program may be advanced to

E2T upon enrollment, provided the following requirements have been met and

have been recorded in Magellan:

a) A minimum of one year in the NLCC program with no break in service

between programs.

b) Successful completion of NLCC Basic Orientation.

c) Achieved the rate of Petty Officer Third Class (PO3/LC4) or higher.

d) Those cadets not meeting all of the above prerequisites will be enrolled in the

NSCC as Seaman Recruit.


B. Seaman Apprentice (SA). Cadets may be advanced to Seaman Apprentice (E2) in

Magellan when the following requirements are met and have been recorded in


1) Complete the Basic Military Requirements Course (BMR), NAVEDTRA 14325.

2) Successful completion of NSCC Recruit Training.

3) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months.

4) Serve a minimum of 3 months as a Recruit (E1).

5) Serve a minimum of 3 months as a Sea Cadet.


C. Seaman or Airman (SN/AN). Cadets may be advanced to Seaman or Airman (E3)

in Magellan when the following requirements are met and have been recorded in


1) Complete the Seaman Course (SN), NAVEDTRA 14067 or the Airman Course

(AN), NAVEDTRA 14014A.

2) Complete one NHQ-approved advanced training.

3) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months.

4) Serve a minimum of 6 months as an Apprentice (E2). Please note that time in

service as an E2T counts toward the satisfaction of this requirement.

5) Serve a minimum of 9 months as a Sea Cadet.


D. Petty Officer Third Class (PO3). Cadets may be advanced to Petty Officer Third

Class (E4) in Magellan when the following requirements are met and have been

recorded in Magellan:

1) Complete assignments 1 and 2 of the Petty Officer 3 & 2 Course (PO3/2),


2) Pass the Petty Officer Third Class Examination.

3) Complete one NHQ-approved advanced training.

4) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months.

5) Serve a minimum of 6 months as a Seaman/Airman (E3).

6) Serve a minimum of 15 months as a Sea Cadet.


E. Petty Officer Second Class (PO2). Cadets may be advanced to Petty Officer

Second Class (E5) in Magellan when the following requirements are met and have

been recorded in Magellan:

1) Complete assignments 3, 4, and 5 of the Petty Officer 3 & 2 Course (PO3/2),


2) Pass the Petty Officer Second Class Examination.

3) Complete Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA) while a SN/AN or PO3. If

POLA was used to satisfy the training requirement for advancement to PO3,

another NHQ-approved training must be completed.

4) Pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) within the previous six months.

5) Serve a minimum of 6 months as a Petty Officer Third Class (E4).

6) Serve a minimum of 21 months as a Sea Cadet.


F. Petty Officer First Class. Cadets may be recommended for advancement to Petty

Officer First Class (E6) in Magellan when the following requirements are met and

have been recorded in Magellan:

1) Complete the Petty Officer First Class Course (PO1), NAVEDTRA 14145.

2) Pass the Petty Officer First Class Examination.

3) Complete one NHQ-approved advanced training.

4) Pass a semi-annual physical fitness assessment.

5) Serve a minimum of 6 months as a Petty Officer Second Class (E5).

6) Serve a minimum of 27 months as a Sea Cadet.


G. Chief Petty Officer. Cadets may be recommended for advancement to Chief Petty

Officer (E7) in Magellan when the following requirements are met and have been

recorded in Magellan:

1) Complete the Chief Petty Officer Course (CPO), NAVEDTRA 14144.

2) Complete Staff Cadet Duty in a leadership position at either NSCC Recruit

Training or NLCC Basic Orientation after the completion of Petty Officer

Leadership Academy (POLA). If Staff Cadet Duty was used to satisfy the training

requirement for advancement to PO1, another NHQ-approved training must be


3) Pass a semi-annual physical fitness assessment.

4) Have reached at least 16 years of age.

5) Serve a minimum of 6 months as a Petty Officer First Class (E6).

6) Serve a minimum of 33 months as a Sea Cadet.

© 2017

 LT Michael Murphy Division U.S. Naval Sea Cadets Corps

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