Uniform Supplies

Click here to order name plates, embroidered name tapes or iron name labels.
Please Check with Supply before ordering as we do have some rank and parka tabs in stock.
Click here to order NSCC rating badges or NLCC rank badges (rank stripes). Be careful to order the appropriate badges for either Sea Cadets or Navy League. You will have to order these as the cadet moves up in rank.
Click here to order NSCC or NLCC collar devices. Be careful to order the appropriate badges for either Sea Cadets or Navy League.
Click here to order NSCC or NLCC parka tabs. Be careful to order the appropriate badges for either Sea Cadets or Navy League.
Click here to order NSCC/NLCC shoulder patches.

If you have grown out of any part of one of your current uniforms, you are missing anything, or you would like to purchase any extra gear that is available, please email our Supply Officer at LMMDsupply@gmail.com. Be aware that you may be charged a replacement fee for any item that is lost or damaged beyond normal wear & tear.
Below are the replacement costs for NSCC or NLCC issued items (these items can only be purchased by current members of the LT Michael Murphy Division of the USNSCC:
White Dixie Cover- $15.00
Females Dress Cover With Emblem- $75.00
NWU Cover- $15.00
Females Tie Tab- $20.00
Black Neckerchief- $20.00
White Belt With Silver Buckle-$10.00
Black Belt With Silver Buckle-$10.00
A Pair of Boot Blousing Straps- $3.00
Sea Bag- $25.00
Ribbons- $2.50 to $5.00
Ribbon Bar- $1.50 to $5.00
NSCC/NLCC Patches- $5.00
​NWU Shirt- $50.00
NWU Pants- $50.00
Dress Blue Blouse- $89.00
Dress Blue Pants- $89.00
Dress White Blouse- $70.00
Dress White Pants- $70.00
NWU Parker- $200.00
Parker Fleece- $50.00
Female Dress Blue Pants $50.00
Female Dress Blue Jacket $75.00
PT Gear
Murphy Summer PT Shirt- $15.00
Murphy Summer PT Shorts- $15.00
​Murphy Winter PT Sweatshirt-$25.00
Murphy Winter PT Sweatpants-$25.00